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iOS - Unified Logs | Lionel Notari
Unified Logs of the Week!
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Last published article
Lionel Notari
4 janv.
11 min de lecture
watchOS Unified Logs - Introduction and Calls
Disclaimer: Â The information and analyses presented in this article are the result of personal research and testing. They are provided...
Recently Updated
Lionel Notari
5 oct. 2023
9 min de lecture
iOS Unified Logs - Introduction, Screen Unlock and App opening
Disclaimer: This article assumes that you are in possession of a Logs archive (.logarchive file). The information and analyses presented...
All articles
Lionel Notari
11 min de lecture
watchOS Unified Logs - Introduction and Calls
Disclaimer: Â The information and analyses presented in this article are the result of personal research and testing. They are provided...
Lionel Notari
7 min de lecture
macOS Unified Logs - Mouse click and more
Disclaimer: Â The information and analyses presented in this article are the result of personal research and testing. They are provided...
Lionel Notari
9 min de lecture
iOS Unified Logs - Driving and Motion states
In previous articles, we've examined user behavior through the investigation of unified logs (such as phone unlock events, touchscreen)
Lionel Notari
3 min de lecture
iOS Unified Logs - The use of the Dictaphone
Disclaimer: tested in iOS 16 and 17. Before we begin... I want to wish you a wonderful year 2024! I also want to express my gratitude for...
Lionel Notari
6 min de lecture
iOS Unified Logs - Making a call
In previous articles, we explored certain iOS unified logs related to the unlock process as well as the WhatsApp application. In this curren
Lionel Notari
4 min de lecture
iOS Unified Logs, what's that ?
Before getting to the heart of the matter, let's start with the basics, understand what kind of digital traces we are talking about when...
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